Saturday, December 1, 2007

New Years Resolution Progress

So far I'm still weeding out my non organic food, but i'm proud to say that I have not purchased anything that hasn't been organic (with the exception of eating out with friends.)

Financial Goals: To maintain and/or fully fund the following accounts:
  1. $5,000 Real Emergency Fund
  2. $1,200 Mini Emergency Fund [maintain]
  3. $3,400 Moving Expenses
  4. $1,300 House Downpayment
  5. $5,200 Roth IRA [contribute $3,200]

I would like to see my Networth increase, but i've yet to really set a dollar amount to it. While the idea of fully funding a Roth would be nice, I want to spend 2008 focused on Housing. I'll be saving enough money to get my own apt if need be, and I really want to feel like I can get a place in the next couple of years or so.

I thought about trying to ear mark some money for my MPA, but in reality, I really want to be able to say I have 10,000 towards a house or something crazy like that. lol.

Graduation is just around the corner. I bought my Cap and Gown and began talking to proffessors about finishing my classes... I'm counting the days, still need to mail the invitations... and i'm house sitting in Ladera... so hopefully that extra cash can go to the cap and gown, invites, and maybe that pretty diploma holder I want....


  1. Hey, I enjoyed this post. Why are your moving expenses so high...just curious.

    I just recently updated my goals on Prime Time Money:

    If you find my blog interesting I'd appreciate a link if you can spare the space. Let me know and I'll add a link to your blog on my blog.



  2. PT-

    The moving costs include first months rent, security deposit and enough money to buy some furniture for the living room and a fridge.
